The term “lip flip” refers to a cosmetic procedure that involves the use of Botox injections to enhance the appearance of the upper lip. Unlike traditional lip augmentation techniques such as dermal fillers, which add volume to the lips, a lip flip focuses on improving the shape and position of the upper lip by relaxing the muscles around the mouth.

During a lip flip procedure, a small amount of botulinum toxin, commonly known as Botox, is strategically injected into specific muscles in the upper lip area. Botox works by temporarily blocking the nerve signals to the targeted muscles, causing them to relax. When the muscles relax, the upper lip rolls slightly upward, resulting in a more prominent and defined lip line.

The lip flip procedure is a relatively quick and straightforward process that can be performed by a trained medical professional. The injections are usually administered in a series of small doses along the border of the upper lip. The entire procedure typically takes around 10 to 15 minutes, and the effects become noticeable within a few days.

One of the key benefits of a lip flip is that it offers a subtle enhancement to the lips without significantly changing their volume. It can create the illusion of a fuller upper lip by exposing more of the pink tissue, making the lip appear more pouty and defined. Additionally, a lip flip can help correct a gummy smile by reducing the visibility of the gums when smiling.