What is SKINPEN®?

SkinPen® is a microneedling device which is approved by Health Canada for treatment of medical conditions and it can only be offered at medical clinics. SkinPen® Precision microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure with little to no downtime involved. This treatment can revitalize your complexion, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, improve acne and surgical scars and reveal smooth, healthy skin.

How does SKINPEN® work?

SkinPen® Precision creates thousands of microscopic channels in your skin. This activates your body’s natural healing response and not only increases your collagen but also rejuvenates your skin to look healthier.

Why should I choose SKINPEN®?

It is the first FDA-cleared microneedling device that is backed by more than 90 independent validation studies. Many of non-approved FDA devices have hooked needles that can not be seen by naked eye and may cause scaring and pigmentation in long term.

What are the benefits of using SKINPEN®?

SkinPen® initiates a natural healing response which lasts for several months to brighten your skin and keep you looking refreshed. Some of the major benefits of SkinPen® include:

  • Reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Increased production of collagen
  • Younger-looking skin with fewer signs of aging
  • Minimizing acne scarring
  • Reduction of hyperpigmentation
  • Reduction of stretch marks

Am I a good candidate for Microneedling?

Most male and female adults are excellent candidates for this microneedling treatment. This minimally-invasive technique may be ideal for you if you wish to reduce the appearance of:

  • Poor skin texture
  • Acne or acne scars
  • Enlarged pores
  • Sun damage
  • Hair Loss
  • Stretch marks
  • Deep lines and creases
  • Mild sagging or jowls

What to expect during Microneedling?

For the treatment, a thorough cleansing of the skin followed by application of a topical anesthetic ointment will be performed. This anesthetic agent will remain on for approximately 40 minutes whilst you relax. Following this the ointment is removed and your skin cleansed again. The sensations from the SkinPen® can range from the feeling of sandpaper being moved across the skin, to a more sensitive pinching. Some areas will be more sensitive than others. The overall procedure will take approximately 60 minutes and you can expect some redness, swelling and discomfort upon completion of the treatment.

What to expect after your Microneedling with SkinPen®?

Immediately after your treatment, you will look as though you have a moderate to severe sunburn and your skin may feel warm and tighter than usual. You may also notice some slight swelling, both are normal and should subside after 1 to 2 hours and will normally diminish within the same day or 24 hours. You may see slight redness after 24 hours but only in minimal areas or spots. If you are concerned about any reaction, please call our office and contact your healthcare provider immediately. You will notice an immediate “glow” to your skin after treatment. Visible changes to the skin develop over the course of several days and weeks. Collagen and elastin production will continue to increase and results continue to improve up to 6 months after the treatment.

What areas can be treated?

SkinPen® is usually used to treat the face and neck area and can be employed to treat nasolabial folds, wrinkles and lines, aging in the neck, acne and scarring.

How many SkinPen® treatments are needed to see results? 

Generally anywhere from 4-6 treatments are recommended however, accurate estimates of number of treatments and treatment frequency depend on your skin texture, tone and laxity. These treatments are spaced 4-6 weeks apart. During our free consultation, we will provide a full assessment and be able to provide you with the number of treatments to optimize your results. 

How soon after a SkinPen® treatment can I wear makeup? 

It may be suitable to apply makeup 1-2 days after treatment.

Should I apply sunscreen immediately after treatment? 

Direct sun exposure should be avoided after treatment. Sunscreen should not be applied for 1 day after the procedure. After 1 day, apply a broad spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen. 

What kind of post procedure care is required? 

After treatment, patients should minimize sun exposure and apply a broad spectrum sunscreen everyday after 24 hours post-treatment. For the 1st day use ONLY tepid water to rinse the treated area and do not use any skincare products other than the SkinPen® lubricant. In addition, daily moisturizing is important. 

Are there any side effects after treatment with SkinPen®? 

Our team will discuss the side effects you might experience during your consultation and decision regarding the extent of your treatment plan. However, side effects of SkinPen® may include: Transient redness and swelling – It is possible that some patients may experience temporary bruising. The microneedling aspect of treatment may leave tiny points on the skin that crust and disappear.